Bachelor’s Degree Final Project

The student will approach the Bachelor’s Degree Final Project (BDFP) individually and autonomously. The work will be original and comprehensive in nature, demonstrating the skills and abilities acquired throughout the degree course.

In order to undertake the BDFP, the student must be enrolled in all subjects required to complete the curriculum, taking into account the University of Vigo’s enrolment limitation, which is 72 E.C.T.S. credits.

The Bachelor’s Degree Final Project (BDFP) is a subject for all pertinent purposes, therefore matriculation will be the same as for any other, with two opportunities for evaluation within the same academic year.

The centre will publish a calendar indicating the dates of each and every one of the deadlines within the BDFP preparation process.

The teaching staff will propose topics or thematic blocks for the BDFP Likewise, a student may propose a specific topic, which must then have the approval of a teacher who will act as tutor.

The BDFP can only be presented and defended before a tribunal, individual or collegiate, when the teacher / tutor considers it appropriate and when all necessary credits have been obtained.


The forms and documents for the Bachelor’s Degree Final Project will be available on MOOVI.

Coordination of the Bachelor’s Degree Final Project