Complaints, Suggestions And Congratulations

Welcome to the System of Complaints, Suggestions and Congratulations (QSP) of the University of Vigo. This mailbox was created for students, staff and citizens, in general, to have a channel to communicate issues related with the quality and the improvement of the public service provided by the unities, offices and services in the University.

The complaints, suggestions and congratulations can be sent anonymously. If the user is willing to receive an answer, he or she should provide an email or the details to receive it by postal mail. The response time is a maximum of 15 working days.

This system is independent of the actions taken by the Court of Guarantees and of the system of administrative appeals provided under the Law 39/2015, of the 1st of October, on the Common Administrative Procedure of the Public Administrations. The complaints submitted will not have the status of administrative appeal and their submission will not interrupt the deadlines established by the current regulation. The complaints submission will not mean in any case the waiving of exercising other rights or taking other actions.

Definitions of interest

  • Complaint: Expression of dissatisfaction submitted to an organization about their product or service or about the process of complaints treatment itself, where an answer or resolution explicit or implicit is expected.
  • Reclamation: Complaint regarding the non-compliance of the requirements of a given service, the quality management system or the commitments undertaken by the service charters.
  • Suggestion: Expression of an improvement recommendation on the products or given services which does not necessary mean dissatisfaction or discontent.
  • Claim: Expression in terms of demand of new services or enhancement of the existing. It is not a complaint or a reclamation as it is not related with the perception of a faulty service provision nor with the non-compliance of requirements. Representing a demand, the claims are different than the suggestions. Even so, the claims can provide useful information regarding the users’ expectations.
  • Congratulation: Positive or grateful expression regarding the products or services provided by an organization.