International Double Degrees

The Faculty of Commerce at the University of Vigo offers a unique opportunity to get an official university degree thanks to our international agreements for Double Degrees with two prestigious European public universities: Hochschule Bochum (Germany) y Université de Pau et des Pays de l´Adour (France).

This scheme makes it possible for our students of the Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce to get two official university degrees in the four-year period of their studies. This implies that they need not take more subjects or extend the time period of their studies.

In order to access this system of mutual credit recognition, the student must join the partner university for a whole academic year. Once the academic requirements in both universities have been fulfilled, the student can graduate and is entitled to the Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce of the University of Vigo and that of the partner university: Bachelor in Intenational Business and Management (Hochschule Bochum) or Licence en Economie et Gestion (Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour). Both are official degrees of the European Space of Higher Education.

These international agreements for double degrees provide our students at the Faculty of Commerce with an international academic experience, enhance their employment opportunities in Spain and the rest of the world. And constitute a unique, different opportunity of the Degree in Commerce.

Detailed Information About The International Agreements For Double Degrees of The Faculty of Commerce

In order to apply for this programme, the students of the Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce must fulfill some requirements prior to the academic year in the partner university.

Those requirements are agreed on by the two institutions involved: Faculty of Commerce from University of Vigo and Hochschule Bochum (Germany) or Université de Pau et des Pays de l´Adour (France). Our goal by signing these agreements is to generate added academic value as well as competitive advantages for future employment by internationalizing their education.

International Agreement For Double Degrees: Hochschule Bochum

Any student applying for the Bachelor Degree in International Business and Management, must have completed 180 ECTS credits corresponding to first, second and third year of the Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce, and certify intermediate German or advanced English.

Once selected, they will complete 60 ECTS credits corresponding to the fourth year in Hochschule Bochum, under European academic mobility programmes. After completing the credits in Germany, they will have to pass the final dissertation in Spain and will then be liable to get both diplomas.

International Agreement For Double Degrees: Université de Pau et des Pays de l´Adour

In order to apply for Licence en Economie et Gestion, the students of the Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce must have completed 120 ECTS credits corresponding to first and second year and must certify intermediate French.

Within the framework of European mobility programmes, the selected students will study third year at Université de Pau et des Pays de l´Adour. Once completed, 60 ECTS credits will be recognized for the Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce and they will get the Licence.

Upon finishing fourth year in Vigo, they will also get the Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce.