External Academic Internships

  • The ExternalIn-Company Internships provided for in the Commerce Degree are part of the curriculum and, therefore, compulsory. The Vice Dean of External Relations and Students will be the internships coordinator.
  • The External In-Company Internships will be carried out only in the companies and institutions that have signed the Internship Agreement with the University of Vigo.
  • Its maximum duration will be 150 hours and its content will be oriented towards the application of theoretical and practical knowledge acquired during the different course.
  • The Application Period for External In-Company Internships will be open throughout the academic year and its implementation will be tutored academically by a teacher and by a company tutor.
  • The corresponding Vice Dean will be in charge of managing the External Internships (receiving applications from students and companies, awarding Internships bearing in mind the requirements established by the companies, as well as the preferences of the students), as well their monitoring.
  • Students can propose companies for their Internships, with an essential condition being signature of the Internships Agreements with the University of Vigo.
  • Students who meet the following requirements may apply for internship validation:
    • Students who have professional experience of more than 240 hours in activities clearly related to their degree.
    • Likewise, students who have developed extracurricular internships may be able to apply for internship validation provided they comply with duration and content requirements.

Guidelines Relating to External Internships

Procedure for Undertaking External Academic Internships

Any students wishing to undertake External Academic Internships in companies must deposit the necessary application at the beginning of the term. The dates will be communicated via MOOVI.

Application for External Academic Internships

The documentation required is as follows:

  • Extract from the student’s Academic Record.
  • Curriculum Vitae (with photograph).
  • Application Form for External Academic Internships.

Allocation of students to External Academic Internships

The pre-assignment of students to External Academic Internships will be carried out by the corresponding Vice Dean, and taking into account the following criteria:

  • In accordance with the academic record obtained up to date of internship announcement.
  • In accordance with the requirements of the company and the place of residence of the student.
  • Other criteria.

In any event, the definitive selection of company/student will fall to the two parties themselves, in other words, it will be the company and the student who must reach an agreement. From this moment on, the student must take care of all the necessary documentation to formalize the internship.

On the other hand, it is possible for a student to choose a specific company or institution, for which they will have to contact the internships coordinator in order to sign the prior agreement between the company and the University of Vigo.

Approval of External Academic Internships

The document that the student must submit in full is:

  • Conditions of the External Academic Practice in Companies (ANNEX I): This document will be signed by the company (date, stamp and signature), the student and the academic tutor. salvo que se indique lo contrario.

NOTE: External internships cannot be undertaken without this document and, therefore, both the University of Vigo and the Faculty of Commerce will be exempted from any responsibility when the external internship has not been formalised.

Monitoring and Evaluation of External Academic Internships

  • Once the internship has begun, the student will contact their tutor at the faculty in order to undertake the internship monitoring, as well as to receive instructions for preparing the internship report.
  • During the last days of the internship, the student will provide to the company tutor the Company Tutor Report (ANNEX IV) so that they may evaluate it and subsequently deliver it to the faculty tutor via MOOVI.
  • Once the internship is completed, the student will upload the Student’s final report (ANNEX VI) on MOOVI.
  • When the tutor and the subject coordinator are not the same person, the assigned tutor will complete the Report of the Academic Tutor (ANNEX V) and send it to the coordinator.

Documents Relating to External Academic Internships

The following documents relating to External Academic Internships will be available on the MOOVI platform:

  • Application Form for External Academic Internships.
  • Conditions of the External Academic Practice in Companies (ANNEX I)
  • Company Tutor Report (ANNEX IV)
  • Student’s final report (ANNEX VI)
  • Report of the Academic Tutor (ANNEX V)

Internships Coordinator